Biographie Jean Louis        The adventure begain at the begaining of années 80 with a first
exhibition in Paris at a bigbookseller, subject Corsica. A few
months later, in the faults of the works of Edouard Steichen etAlvin
Coburn, i discovered the existence of the promesses, dis « old » and
more particulary in thebichromate gum with allows a freedom of
expression and one utilimited créativité.
After numérous fruitées attemps, the first « gum » is the work of my
wife, the departure of apictorialiste gréât adventure with the first
exhibitions, in Paris in 1985, rue Saint Louis en l’Ile,
Gallery Charpentier then Venice Gallery « Nuovo Spatio » and during
more than 20 years, with my
wife, during numerus individual or sélective exhibitions, the
virtues of the editionin the bichromate
The arrival of the digital impression ( printing), the progress of
peintres, the quality of inks and thepapiers « Fine Art »as well as
the Digraphie allowme to transat my pictorialiste affinities.
My currentsearches turn to a vibrato vision of the image.